This site is an introduction to the book of Revelation with special consideration for those who have little knowledge of the Bible and/or the book of Revelation. It is designed to take things slowly and explain all terms and issues in simple terms. I invite you to take this journey with me. This will come a little at a time so you can check back periodically for more information or subscribe to the rss feed. You can contact me with any questions or constructive comments at lvistaunet@gmail.com. This site is different from most blog sites in that the oldest entry comes first. Since the development of this topic is sequential and builds on the earliest entries, this arrangement enables the first-time visitor to start from the beginning and progress through the succeeding entries. Returning visitors can click the appropriate colored date on the calendar on the right side to find entries more recent than what they have previously read or note the recent posts column on the left. Categories will be added from time to time relating to issues raised in the main blog.
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